The Library welcomes children to use its facilities and services. The Library is a very busy place and staff members cannot supervise children or guarantee their safety on library property. Library staff do not have the power to act in loco parentis. Responsibility for the behavior, adherence to library policy, safety and well-being of children (any minor under the age of 18) using the Library rests with the responsible guardian and not with the Library personnel. A responsible guardian includes a parent, guardian or caregiver assigned by the parent.

Children 0-8: Children aged eight years and under need to be accompanied by a responsible guardian on Library property.

A responsible guardian needs to attend children’s programs with children ages zero to five years of age.  A responsible guardian who does not attend programs with a child ages six to eight years old must at least remain in the building and must return by the end of the program.


Regular Library Hours:

  • If children age eight and under are found without a responsible guardian during regular library hours, staff will attempt to locate the responsible guardian. If the responsible guardian cannot be located in the building or at home within 15 minutes, the Carlisle police will be contacted to pick up the child.
  • If Library staff judges that any unattended minor is not coping adequately or adhering to library policy, staff will attempt to locate a responsible guardian to pick up the child. If the responsible guardian cannot be contacted within 15 minutes, the Carlisle police will be contacted for assistance.

Closing Time:

  • Staff members will use their judgment when dealing with unattended youth at closing. If an unattended minor appears distraught or is not coping well at closing, two library staff will stay with the child and will call the responsible guardian . If unable to reach a responsible guardian by telephone in 15 minutes, staff will call the Carlisle police. If staff are able to reach a responsible guardian , but the responsible guardian is unable to pick up the child within 15 minutes after the Library closes, they will call the Carlisle police.

In any case where law enforcement has picked up a child from the library at closing, a note will be attached to the door of the library. Staff do not drive children home.

In any situation involving children safety and specifically whenever the responsible guardian, or law enforcement personnel are contacted, staff will complete an Incident Report.

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