Thursday, November 19 | 6:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom

We are excited to welcome back the Trivia Brothers for a fun Disney-themed Trivia Challenge! If you have Disney costumes, please wear them.

Enjoying an episode of “Challenge! Trivia” is easy. Here’s what you need to know:

First and foremost, you will need TWO DEVICES in order to enjoy the optimal experience – a computer (to join the Zoom meeting) and a smartphone or tablet (to play the game).

Teams can be comprised of individual or multiple players. The recommended team size is 3-6 players. If members of a team are in separate locations, we suggest arranging a conference call during the game.

IMPORTANT! Each team will use ONLY ONE smartphone or tablet to enter the game and submit the answers.

Use the Zoom link provided by the Gleason Public Library to connect. Your link will be available in the confirmation email after registering.

We strongly suggest using a computer to enter the meeting and view the episode.
(“Virtual doors” to the waiting room will open at 6:20PM prior to the start of the game and the game will begin promptly at 6:30PM.)

Although it’s not mandatory, the Trivia Brothers suggest joining the meeting with video on so they can interact with you!

Then, once the episode officially starts, the Trivia Brothers will tell you how to register (using your smartphone or tablet) so you can play!

Don’t worry, there is no special app to play, simply a website THAT WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONCE YOU ARE IN THE EVENT. Again, it’s ONE phone/tablet per team during gameplay.

If you have any questions about this event, please email Jenn Buliszak at

This fun program is made possible by our wonderful Friends of the Gleason Public Library.

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