The Gleason Public Library, like public libraries across the country, is grappling with the changing nature of libraries. Physical collections are shrinking while digital collections grow; seniors are looking for a gathering place, adults are looking for co-working space, teens are looking for a virtual hang out space, and kids remain a constant and engaged group as we teach early literacy skills and a lifelong love of reading. With a major renovation completed over 20 years ago, before smartphones, tablets, e-readers, or streaming, the time has come for the staff and community to look at how we use one of the library’s best assets: the building.

Carlisle residents and library users are invited to two public forums with Schwartz/Silver Architects as design work begins for a renovation of the Library interior. Your voice is an important part of the process of designing a library for everyone in the community. The public forums will be held on Thursday, February 10th, at 1:30 p.m., and Wednesday, February 16th, at 7 p.m., with hybrid in-person and Zoom attendance options. Register at, or email if you are unable to make it but have thoughts you’d like to share.

Thursday, February 10th, 1:30 p.m. – Register here

Wednesday, February 16th, 7 p.m. – Register here

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