A donation to the Library Endowment, a 501(c)(3) charitable trust (EIN 04-2812647), will help transform our library into a place that better meets our community needs.
All donations are greatly appreciated. Donations over $5,000 will be recognized with a plaque at the Library after the renovation is finished. We have lawn signs available for all donors who want to show their support.
If you have been thinking of donating, this is an excellent time to make a high impact donation. If you have donated already and are considering donating again, we can add up your contributions for the donor level on the plaque.
You may mail or drop off a check payable to “Gleason Public Library Endowment” to: Gleason Endowment, 22 Bedford Road, Carlisle, MA 01741 with your donation. For more ways to donate, including donor advised funds, stocks and others, click here, or email gleasoncapitalcampaign@gmail.com.
All library offerings are open to all members of our community at no cost. The Gleason Public Library is used by community members of all ages, and welcomes everybody.
When our library was renovated 25 years ago, we lived in a different world. Internet was on dial-up, music was on CDs, and the library was a book repository. Life has evolved, and so have our libraries. Renovating the Gleason will provide flexible spaces for the whole community: space for events, exhibits, meetings, quiet work and enjoyment, accessible for everyone.
Capital Campaign
We are over 3/4 of the way to our campaign goal of $2.3M. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Donations over $5,000 will be recognized in a plaque at the library.
Partner: $5,000+
Pillar: $10,000+
Curator’s Circle: $25,000+
Director’s Circle: $50,000+
Trustees’ Circle: $100,000+
Benefactor: $500,000+