Libby and Overdrive log-in changes

Beginning on January 4, 2023, MVLC library patrons will be required to enter their library PIN/password to access their accounts in the Libby app or on the OverDrive website. MVLC approved this authentication as best practice in order to improve system security and better protect patron privacy.

Library of Things

We have been building our Library of Things. These are items that you can borrow for events or if you want to try something before you buy one of your own. We are adding new Things regularly. Click here to view our current holdings.

Book a Meeting Room

Are you looking for a space you can use? Our large and small meeting rooms can be reserved through our website. The third-floor Hollis Room may be reserved by nonprofit groups, and the second-floor study room is available for everyone. Please go here to read on our Meeting Room Policy or here to Book a … Continued

Hotspots Available

We added 5 T-Mobile T9 Hotspots to our collection. This was made possible by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. You can reserve one through our catalog or by calling the Library. Our policy and procedures can be found by clicking here. Place your hold today!

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