Library Renovation Building Committee Membership

The Committee shall consist of seven members as follows:

Five voting members:

  • One member from the Board of Library Trustees
  • One member from the Municipal Facilities Committee
  • Three at-large members from the residents of Carlisle
  • Up to two alternate members (optional) 

Two non-voting members

  • Library Director or designee 
  • Town Administrator or designee 

The Board of Library Trustees also grants authority to the Library Director and Town Administrator to involve key members of the Town Staff as non-voting members such as the Town Planner and the Town Facilities Director. 

The term of office shall be until the completion of the library building renovation project, est. 3 years. Committee appointments or removals will be at the discretion of the Library Board of Trustees. 

At their April 11, 2024 meeting, the Library Trustees appointed the following members:

  • Karen Gettings (Board of Library Trustees)
  • Bill Risso (MFC)
  • Christine Stevens
  • Suzanne Leblanc
  • Gregory Felch
  • Martha Feeney-Patten (Library Director, non-voting member)
  • Ryan McLane (Town Administrator, non-voting member)

As of April 11, 2024, there are two openings for alternate members. Interested applicants should please email with a brief explanation of their interest in serving and any relevant background or qualifications.

Library Renovation Building Committee Charter 

The Board of Library Trustees, as the custodians of the Gleason Public Library Building, establishes the Library Renovation Building Committee to oversee the interior renovation of the Gleason Public Library located at 22 Bedford Road, as described in the schematic design documents created by Schwartz/Silver Architects for the Library Trustees in 2022.
The authority of this Committee includes advising the Library’s hired professional designers, engineers, and construction firms in consultation with the Library and Town’s professional staff. Examples of management include ranking applicants for an Owner’s Project Manager and managing the work of the contracted OPM; offering modest recommendations for finalizing design plans and specifications; and overseeing the construction, remodeling, alteration or renovation, equipping and furnishing, of the Library.

The Committee is to report regularly to the Board of Library Trustees and is ordered to communicate any substantial changes to the project’s scope immediately to allow the Library Trustees to fulfill their ethical, legal, and fiduciary responsibilities in governing the Gleason Library for the benefit of the community. Meeting agendas and minutes will be publicly posted in a timely fashion in accordance with Open Meeting Law. No changes to the project’s design/scope shall cause the project to exceed a projected $2.5 million in total costs, materially change the design approved by the Board of Library Trustees, nor unduly delay the project timeline without additional approval.

Approved February 15, 2024, Board of Library Trustees

Agendas and Minutes

Official meeting agendas and minutes will be posted on the Town of Carlisle website.

Click here to read more about the planned interior renovation project, or contact Library Director Martha Feeney-Patten at 978-369-4898 or with any questions about the project.

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